
Registration completed

We have successfully registered your form, an activation link has been sent to the email you have entered in order to confirm the registration.

Registration failed

There was an issue in the registration process, please contact the administrator for help.


These services are targeted towards all retailers already in business relationships with the participating manufacturers.

This field is required.
⚠  Select at least one service
No services available for this country.

Please, complete your company details for the required services.

This field is required.
We've found matched companies!

After checking the data you've put, we've found some matching companies on our database

If this is your company, please click on the button that says 'Select' to use the current information that we have in our database, otherwise, click on the button that says 'Continue'.

In order to continue you must select at least one company or either select on "None of the above"

Select Company Name Address Post code City
None of the above

Please, enter your user data below.

min. 8 characters, at least 3 of: lowercase, uppercase, number, symbol

Please, fill the following table with the information that the manufacturer has provided to you.⚠  Select at least one manufacturer

Brand Name Customer code Comment Username Password
You need a Customer code

I already have a user and password

This information is maintained by the manufacturer admin, please continue to the next step

You will have to request connection to manufacturers directly on Tradeplace after your registration.

These services are targeted towards all retailers already in business relationships with the participating manufacturers.

You will have to request connection to manufacturers directly on Tradeplace after your registration.

Please, check again all entered data. In case you'd like to make changes please click on the pencil button to jump directly in section.

Company data
Company Name
Postal code & City
Address 1
Address 2
User data
First Name
Last Name
Online Portals

This information is maintained by the manufacturer admin.


You will have to request connection to manufacturers directly on Tradeplace after your registration.

Direct Connection
Digital Sales Assistant

You will have to request connection to manufacturers directly on Tradeplace after your registration.

I agree to the Terms and Conditions
⚠  You must accept the terms and conditions