
Migration completed!

We have successfully migrated your account, an activation link has been sent to the email you have entered in order to confirm the migration.

Password resetted

A new password has been sent to your email address. Please follow the instructions on the email to migrate your account.

Account already migrated

We have found that this account has been already migrated. Please login to the portal using your new credentials. If you have any issues please contact our support team.

Error migrating account

There was an error migrating your account. Please try again later or if the problem persists, contact our support team.

Welcome to the new Tradeplace portal!

During your first visit to the new Tradeplace portal, your account needs to be migrated.

If you have already migrated your account, please click in the following button to connect to Tradeplace.

Migrate your account

Step of 2

To migrate your account, please provide us with the username and password you have been using until now in the Tradeplace portal.

There was an issue finding your account using the credentials you provided.

If you forgot your password, please click here to reset your password or contact our support team if you have forgotten your credentials and need more assistance.

Forgot your password? Please click here.

This information is the new way to connect to Tradeplace, please enter a valid email and define a password.

IMPORTANT: An email will be sent to this address to activate your account

Password must meet at least 3 of the following criteria: an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a digit, a special character